Harmonize Your Home Workshop

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On November 22nd 2014, Dominique Antiglio facilitated and co-hosted ‘Harmonize Your Home’ with the world’s leading expert in GeoBiology, Jean-Jacques Bréluzeau, the founder and Director of the Institut Santé de l’Habitat. Whilst recognised widely in other culture like in Asia, the science of harmonizing our living spaces in the UK is relatively new. Learning now begins to filter through and the science of eradicating electronic fields and other pollutions in our every day space generates much interest. The audience at this workshop included the award winning therapist and writer Paola Bassanese whom has written about the day and the work of Jean-Jaques here.

Besophro is now officially working along l’Institut Santé de l’Habitat in the UK and selling Terres Sens products for the UK. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with Dominique if you have any questions.

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