The Versatility of Sophrology

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These past months have been really busy with Sophrology at BeSophro. Dominique worked with various unrelated groups in London, showing just how versatile the Sophrology method can be.

Dominique guided a group of 16 to 18 years old students from the  Richmond upon Thames College through their first Sophrology practice. They also explored the benefits of Sophrology through an interesting discussion about the way to find happiness in today’s society. Beyond stress-management and exam preparation, Sophrology offers a practical approach for young people to discover which values they want to live by and how to cultivate a positive outlook for the future.

Dominique was also invited by a Karate School to share practical tools that the group can introduce in their weekly Karate practice to enable a better focus and flow in movement.

Dominique is now also working with one of the big fruit drink companies to provide a regular Sophrology session to its employees. The aim is to enable a very practical approach to dealing with the daily pressures of working in the corporate world. Sophrology provides pragmatic and effective solutions for letting go of stress, restoring energy levels, improving sleep, dealing with anxieties and helping employees to feel good in their work environment. The aim is to play an important role in the prevention of stress-related absences from the workplace.

The versatility and flexibility of Sophrology can be explained by the following:

– Sophrology works on both body and mind, so everyone can practice it. Whether you are very fit or suffer from a health issue, the Sophrologist is able to adapt the practice to your needs and abilities.

– Sophrology works with your consciousness. We practice specific exercises based on breathing, dynamic relaxation, body awareness and concentration, created to reach deep into our consciousness and connect with its endless inner resources. For example, we may lack confidence or live too much in our mind, but in fact deep within us we have the ability to feel fully confident and ground ourselves in the present and be more in contact with reality.

– Sophrologists have many different tools and strategies to use in different situations. Sophrology offers a framework in which the Sophrologist can adapt the process depending on individual characteristics. For this reason, Sophrologists often specialise in certain fields like birth preparation, sport, stage performance or therapy.

If you would like to know what BeSophro can offer for you, your group, institution or company, please get in touch with Dominique Antiglio, Master in Sophrology:


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