‘Superwoman isn’t real‘: Kira Maha

by | Podcasts

In episode 14 of ‘Superwoman isn’t real‘, Kira Mahal is welcoming best-selling Author, Sophrologist and Wellness Entrepreneur Dominique Antiglio to introduce you to the practice of Sophrology, ‘the new mindfulness’. Dominique is leading the movement of bringing Sophrology to English-speaking countries. Driven by her passion for making Sophrology available to as many people as possible, she wrote a best-selling book “The Life-Changing Power of Sophrology” and BeSophro is now the leading online Sophrology consultancy and platform in the UK. We discuss what Sophrology is, how it changes our day-to-day and acceptance of who we are.

To listen to the conversation: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ep-14-sophrology-the-new-mindfulness-with/id1705419713?i=1000654308455

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