How to bring more gratitude into your life and improve your mental health as a result

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Big thanks to Metro for including wellbeing expert Dominique Antiglio’s helpful tips on “How to bring more gratitude into your life and improve your mental health as a result”

Read more about Metro’s article here

“Dominique Antiglio, a sophrologist at BeSophro, suggests combining this practice with a spot of meditation and physical relaxation.

She recommends: ‘First thing in the morning, stand up, gently shake your entire body, letting go of any tension. Exhale fully all negative anticipation and anxieties you may feel.

‘Then sit down, inhale, tense your body, exhale and relax each part of your body from head to toe. Then in a relaxed state with eyes closed, think about one thing that you are grateful for now or that you are going to experience today.

‘It can be a simple as how comfortable your pyjamas feel in that moment (start simple!) and it will become deeper and more meaningful as you repeat this practice.

‘Last thing in the evening, shake the tension of the day away by moving and breathing, and then close your eyes. Think about one quality or resource that got you through your day i.e. perseverance, connection with a friend, hope, calm etc.

‘Then spend a moment gently activating this word in your body and mind through gentle in-breaths and out-breaths.’”


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